Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thoughts on Season 15 Episode 7: You're Getting Old

How Much Snark You Got?

Wow, what an episode ay folks? There are some different takes on what the ending could mean (see links of interest) , because of course no one but the creators know, but I'm going to assume it was all for television. But I'll get to my opinion on the future of South Park in a moment. For now let's talk about cynical buttholes. I recently got over my own period of cynicism. I don't think I was all that bad but I definitely thought people who didn't think Seinfeld was genius, Arrested Development is the best show ever, and The Beatles are indisputably awesome; had crappy taste. Further more, if people haven't heard or seen what I've heard or seen then they MUST hear or see it. I got over all that by realizing there's just way too much to experience for everyone to experience everything. Once I opened my mind to that, I figured it's just easier to stick to my shit and let people stick to their shit. That way we can all get through our shit together.

I think that's what Matt Stone and Trey Park were saying with this episode. Apparently they're currently slated only for the rest of this Season 15. It's a long time so I think they decided to focus their cynical lenses on themselves just to mix things up and have a little fun with the fans while they figure out what they want to do with their shit. 

You're Getting Old

So Stan gets older and starts seeing everything as crap. Everything his friends do and listen to, Tween Wave music, just seems like shit. He can't watch movies without thinking it looks like crap and he can't hang out with his friends because all he talks about is how everything seems like shit. I'm sure 100% of the world can relate to this in some shape or form; especially Joel McHale (of The Soup and Community)...I don't think I'd like that guy. Anyway, the episode ends off with a fight between Randy Marsh and Sharon talking about how they're tired of just hitting the reset button day after day and the last thing we see is Sharon and Randy presumably divorced but at the least separated. I think those old guys worried about "the britches" were only there to be the silly part of the show. I think the best part was the usage of Landslide by Stevie Nix, which I recently added to my Favorites list on Itunes (holla), for the montage of Randy and Sharon splitting up. Who knows where the show will go now but this episode was by far the most unique episode, besides that terrible Pip's Episode in Season whatever (who cares). I think it's just smart tv and lets the remainder of the season be very exciting to see what new stuff this all takes our favorite characters. At the end we see Kyle and Cartman perhaps getting closer. Let's take a leaf from that and get close, as we prepare for what very well may be the final season of South Park.


Check out the following blogs in links of interest for professional bloggers' quick points of view. Also they have some video clips from the episode. And if you have a chance to see any of the Broadway show The Book of Mormon check it out. I saw a clip that was taken down literally the same day from the show. K, let's drink.

links of interest:

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